Find Your Writing Niche: ProBlogger
I don’t know how I learned of, but it probably had to do with surfing the net for info about improving my blog. I hit a bonanza at Darren Rowse’s He gives a free subscription to those who sign up for it. If you are interested in starting a blog or improving your existing blog, it’s worth the time it takes to read his posts and those of guest bloggers.
Click on this link for one example of valuable tips from guest blogger/psychologist Ellen Jackson:
She ends the post with this wise recommendation:
“Finally, do what you love as much as you can. ‘Good work’ as it’s known by positive psychologists aligns our strengths, out interests, our values and our sense of meaning and purpose. It’s the kind of work that fully engages us. When you’re doing something you love you’re in the right zone for flow and you’ll be rocking those brilliant blog posts in no time.”