Maia Sandu, President of Moldova (Am 21.10.2021 empfing Außenminister Michael Linhart die moldawische Staatspräsidentin Maia Sandu in Wien.)

Women and Adversity:
Maia Sandu
President of Moldova

Maia Sandu (pronounced My⸍a San⸍du) faces more adversity than the average American realizes. In an interview in February 2023, Sandu said Moscow is trying to destabilize her country and wants to stage a coup. “The Kremlin’s attempts to bring violence to Moldova will not work. Our main goal is the security of citizens and the state,” she said.

Sandu was inducted as President of Moldova, officially named Republic of Moldova, December 24, 2020, and is the first woman to hold the office. In December 2022 she was ranked as the most trusted politician in Moldova.

Moldova is a landlocked country in the Balkan area of northern Europe. It is bordered by Romania to the west and southwest and Ukraine to the north, east and south. It was part of the USSR until 1991 when it declared its independence. Its capital is Chișinău. It is one of the poorest countries in Europe. The country is only 13 square miles, and it has  2.6 million inhabitants. Based on its proximity to Ukraine, people can understand why she is concerned about an invasion.

 Sandu   bio:

Born May 24, 1972 in Risipenia Village, Falesti District in Moldova
Father —  a veterinarian
Mother — a teacher
Studied at the Risipeni Village school
1989-1994 — Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, Faculty of Management,
                        majored in management
1995-1998 — master’s degree in international relations from Academy of Public
                        Administration in Chisinau
2010 — master’s degree in public policy from Kennedy School of Public Administration
at Harvard University

 Political Career: 

1994-1998 — Consultant, Deputy head, Ministry of Economy
1998-2005  —  Economist, World Bank Office, Chisinau
2005-2006 —  Director of Directorate-General for Macroeconomic Policy and
Development Programs at Ministry of Economy and Trade
2006-2009 —  Consultant, various projects in good governance and public administration
2010-2012 — Advisor to the Executive Director of the World Bank, Washington, D.C.
July 2012-2015 —  Minister of Education, Republic of Moldova
2016 — Founded the Party of Action and Solidarity. President of the party until 2020
2019-2020 ­— Member of Republic of Moldova Parliament as Prime Minister
2020-present — President of Republic of Moldova


Maintain pro-European sentiment
Have Moldova become a member of the European Union by 2030
Reduce Moldova’s economic dependence on Russia

 Personal life:

Sandu speaks Romanian, the mother tongue, English, Spanish and Russian
Not married — no  children

 Learn more about Maia Sandu:

39 Facts About Maia Sandu | FactSnippet
Russia is planning coup in Moldova, says President Maia Sandu – POLITICO
500 days of Russian invasion: Sandu thanks Ukrainians for peace in Moldova | Ukrainska Pravda

My ebooks available at and

Honoring 23 Black Women, Recognizing 23 Notable Mothers, Saluting 23 Faithful Suffragists  

Article By: Jo Ann Mathews

I published three ebooks in 2020: Women and Adversity, Honoring 23 Black Women; Women and Adversity, Recognizing 23 Notable Mothers; and Women and Adversity, Saluting 23 Faithful Suffragists to commemorate the hundredth anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote. These books are meant to be study guides for all students from grade school through college to help in choosing topics for assignments and to learn more about these noteworthy women. Go to, and to learn more.

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