Archive for January, 2024

Women and Adversity: Welcome, 2024!

January 11, 2024

This year marks the 10th anniversary of me writing Women and Adversity. As I stated in my initial 2023 post, I started this blog to promote women writers and praise their achievements. I expanded pa ...

Women and Adversity: Susan Wingate, Author, Part III

July 23, 2020

  Susan Wingate, Author, Part I, appeared in my June 25 blog post and Part II on July 9. Her most recent title How the Deer Moon Hungers was released July 15. JAM: What obstacles do you ...

Women and Adversity: Nina George, Part I Author

April 23, 2020

  I am privileged to have Nina George, an international bestselling author from Germany, respond to my request for her to participate in my blog. I assumed she’d answer in English, a ...

Women and Adversity: Jo Ann Mathews Author, Blogger

February 13, 2020

My first ebook, Women and Adversity, Honoring 23 Black Women, is available on several platforms thanks to Bent Elbow Press. The book is based on this blog I’ve written since 2014. I chose to f ...

Women and Adversity: The Heart’s Appeal by Jennifer Delamere

August 9, 2018

Jennifer Delamere strikes another hit with The Heart’s Appeal, the second in her London Beginnings Series. Set in Victorian England, this inspirational romance shows Julia Bernay as a determined ...

Women and Adversity: Dena and Rebecca Lindgren Fictional sisters in Outside the Limelight, Book 2 in the Ballet Theatre Chronicles series By Terez Mertes Rose

April 12, 2018

Somehow this book got into my Kindle, and I couldn’t ignore it. Tutu, plié and barre are about the only ballet terms I knew until I read Outside the Limelight, but this novel’s message ...

Women and Adversity, Jess Thomas in One Plus One: A Novel by Jojo Moyes

September 4, 2014

 Jess Thomas in Jojo Moyes’ recent novel, One Plus One, is a perfect example of a woman who has obstacles in her path.  Her husband decided to leave for a while to determine his life’ ...


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