Archive for September, 2014

Californian wins writing contest

September 11, 2014

Congratulations go to Miguella Twosias from Stockton, CA, who won the writing contest I offered. The question was to write a comment in the fewest number of words about Katharine Ashe’s answers to ...

Blog Contest: Women and Adversity, Katharine Ashe

August 28, 2014

This week Katharine Ashe, award-winning writer of historical romances, answered my questions about obstacles she had to overcome to be a writer. She volunteered to send a signed copy of “I Mar ...

Find Your Writing Niche: Enter my Contest

August 26, 2014

Many people avoid entering contests for fear of not winning. Bury that attitude for several reasons: 1)You learn to write on deadline. 2)You learn to follow instructions. 3)It can motivate you t ...


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