Archive for February, 2024

Women and Adversity: Ada Harris Inventor of the Hair Straightener

February 22, 2024

Women and Adversity: Ada Harris Inventor of the Hair Straightener  At least 30 women were deprived of glory when men either stole their ideas or were given credit for what women discovered. Sin ...

Women and Adversity: Sahle-Work Zewde

September 22, 2022

Women and Adversity: 21st Century Women    Sahle-Work Zewde President of Ethiopia I’ve never been to Ethiopia, a landlocked country in the eastern part of Africa, which became a democratic r ...

Women and Adversity: Eleanor Roosevelt (1884-1962) First Lady, Author, Humanitarian

August 25, 2016

Eleanor Roosevelt, christened Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, is the longest serving First Lady (1933-1945) and one of the most respected. Her life was filled with adversity: Her beautiful mother w ...

Women and Adversity: Accepting a red eye

August 27, 2015

It was an accident. I lifted my left hand to scratch the corner of my eye, and the long nail on my index finger nipped the white. Within minutes the entire white of my eye was beet red, ruby re ...

Find Your Writing Niche: Sports

November 4, 2014

Based on an article in the Jan. 7, 2014 issue of Vanity Fair, 90 percent of the American population   watches sports. ...

Women and Adversity: Widowhood

October 9, 2014

Cheri Blair, wife of former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, launched a study concerning widows around the world. It indicated that 13.6 million widows were living in the United States in 2010 ...

Find Your Writing Niche: 5 steps to starting a blog

October 7, 2014

Writers want to write—all the time. Beginning writers can start with a blog. Step 1: Choose a topic Write 25 things you are interested in doing, e.g., traveling, swimming, jogging, se ...

Find your writing niche: Kill or cure with details

September 23, 2014

Some stories just won’t start. They kill reader’s interest in the first sentence with too many details. Setting goes into character description before dialogue begins. It may be: The golde ...

Find Your Writing Niche: When you travel, even to Mom’s, there’s a story along the way

May 20, 2014

You don’t have to visit Rome or Tokyo to write a travel piece. The towns and byways between where Mom and other relatives and friends live hold a wealth of stories. 1) Dog parks. About 37 per ...

Find Your Writing Niche: Look around at your surroundings for ideas

May 13, 2014

Ideas for stories are all around us. People continue to achieve outstanding feats, survive overwhelming odds and make life happier for others. Think in terms of events and holidays. 1)  Memori ...


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